New Book: Frederik Holst – “Ethnicization and Identity Construction in Malaysia”

The new monograph “Ethnicization and Identity Construction in Malaysia” by DORISEA-Associate Dr. Frederik Holst has just been published in the Routledge Malaysian Studies Series:

“This book is the first monograph to provide an in-depth and multifaceted study of the processes of ethnicization and identity construction in Malaysia, from the colonial period until the present. In his analysis, the author takes multiple layers of ethnicization into account and shows how these have shaped Malaysia’s socio-political system and society in different ways. Moving beyond a center-focused, top-down-oriented perception of identity politics, this work highlights on the one hand the role and position of a multitude of actors – from grassroots level to  mainstream politics – who contribute to the persistence of ethnicization in Malaysia in numerous ways. On the other hand, it also shows where and under which circumstances possibilities for transethnic cooperation arise.

A multi-disciplinary approach, substantiated by empirical data based on qualitative and quantitative methodologies, provides a perspective that moves beyond stereotypical narrations of Malaysia as being constituted by mainly three separate, homogenous groups. At the same time, this book gives a detailed and comprehensive account of political and historical developments and constitutes a rich resource for any Malaysia-related research.

While the focus of this publication lies on Malaysia, the concept of manifestations and implementations of ethnicization provides an analytical framework that can also be applied in the study of ethnicization and identity construction elsewhere in the region and beyond.”

(Publisher’s description)

Frederik Holst: “Malaysias ethnisiertes Gesellschaftssystem”

Der folgende Text wurde uns von Dr. Frederik Holst, DORISEA-Assoziierter an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, freundlicherweise zur Verfügung gestellt und ist zuerst in den Hintergrundsinformationen zum Weltgebetstag der Frauen 2012 (Schwerpunktland Malaysia) erschienen.

Malaysia wird von außen oft auf zwei sehr unterschiedliche Weisen wahrgenommen: Zum einen als Musterbeispiel für ein friedliches Zusammenleben verschiedener Kulturen und ethnisierter Gruppen [1], zum anderen als ein Land, in dem die Gegensätze zwischen den einzelnen Gruppen stark hervorgehoben werden, wo es politische und wirtschaftliche Bevorzugung auf Grund ethnisierter Herkunft gibt und wo es nur eingeschränkte Religionsfreiheit gibt.
