Learn to live like a Buddhist monk at the University of Pennsylvania

Participant observation is considered to be the master method of anthropology. At Penn State, Assistant professor Justin MacDaniel emphasizes the participation side by teaching his students Buddhist asceticism and monastic life in order to transmit a deeper understanding and experience of the subject.

Justin MacDaniel is the author of “The Lovelorn Ghost and the Magical Monk: Practicing Buddhism in Modern Thailand” (Columbia University Press, 2011).

Jakarta Ghostbusters

A pocong ghost and a kuntilanak ghost who scared passengers in a municipal park in Jakarta were driven away  by firm administration measures. Indonesian Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali asked the capitol’s inhabitants to stay calm as “Ghosts cannot be seen with normal eyes, especially in the afternoon” – a remark the commentator ‘Kesiangan’ answered with “Long live the Religious Affairs Minister, especially in the afternoon”. Please read more here.

Source: The Jakarta Globe