2011 Michael Leifer Memorial Prize by ISEAS

DORISEA researcher Volker Gottowik has won the 2011 Michael Leifer Memorial Prize by ISEAS (Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore) for the article “Transnational, Translocal, Transcultural: Some Remarks on the Relations between Hindu-Balinese and Ethnic Chinese in Bali”, Sojourn, Vol. 25, No.2 (Oct. 2010).

“The prize (…) is given biennially for the best article to appear in one of the three ISEAS journals, namely, the ASEAN Economic Bulletin, Contemporary Southeast Asia and SOJOURN: Social Issues in Southeast Asia. Selection criteria include originality, conceptual clarity and soundness, and general contribution to Southeast Asian scholarship.” (Auszug aus der schriftlichen Laudatio vom 27.12.2011)

Ein Gedanke zu “2011 Michael Leifer Memorial Prize by ISEAS

  1. Congratulations, Volker!
    Warum haben wir darauf nicht im Waldschlösschen angestossen?
    Ich habe erst jetzt auf die website geguckt! Bei nächstbester Gelegenheit wirst Du gefeiert!

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